We’re making the case for link management. We talk a lot on here about our enterprise plan, the industry-leading tool for link management.
But what is “link management”? And why do businesses need it?
To answer that, we have to take a close look at the world brands today operate in: the complex and ever-changing digital landscape.
Digital marketing has changed
With the acceleration of technology, a marketer’s every effort can be measured. The rise of new programs and tools in the market means that measuring the ROI on those efforts is not only possible—it’s expected.
Unfortunately, most tools only measure a single channel, giving marketers insight into just a portion of their multi-channel customer experience.
Marketers innately know that the customer experience is both complex and fragmented. However, understanding how to accurately and consistently measure how their audience engages with their brand amidst that complexity has been a huge challenge.
The average American spends more than 11 hours a day consuming media across all sorts of devices and platforms. That’s right—11 hours. They’re checking out your brand’s website, blog, social media accounts, hopping from their phone, to their laptop, to their tablet and back again.
So how can marketers get a clear view into the entire customer experience?
The link is a marketer’s greatest asset
Luckily, there’s the link. It’s the unifying factor across every channel and communication. The link can demystify the complexity in digital marketing.
Think about it: there are 4.5 billion active internet users who depend on the link to take them from one part of their digital experience to the next. The link is not just a means to an end. It’s a crucial business asset.
Many enterprises have massive link generation needs, some that reach in the millions per day. These organizations need a link management platform that can not only handle that volume, but can also help them organize, optimize and protect each of those links.
It’s time to think of your business’s links as crucial business assets. They’re in every single customer communication, across every channel your business owns and accessed by your customers from every type of digital device.
So when it comes to deciding whether your business needs link management, ask yourself this: Are you optimizing every single one of your customer touchpoints to decide the exact experience customers will have with your brand? With a link management platform like Bitly, you can.
Bitly is the leader in link management
With Bitly, your business can:
– Access second-to-none data on every link
– Optimize your content & communications
– Brand every customer touchpoint
– Boost click-throughs
In Bitly’s Spring Launch webcast, COO Scott Keane covered all of this and more. Plus, Maria Thomas, VP of Product, and Deirdre Guthmann, one of our enterprise account managers, joined him in discussing the latest features and functionality of Bitly Enterprise.
If you missed it, don’t worry. You can watch on-demand. Highlights include:
– Enterprise-grade compliance & controls
– Real-time insights & analytics
– The open & flexible Bitly API
Every link is critical to your business. Don’t miss out on learning how Bitly can help transform your links into powerful tools for your entire organization.