7 Best Practices for Increasing Social Media Engagement

A smartphone surrounded by social media references.
A smartphone surrounded by social media references.

Engagement on social media is a critical pillar of effective digital marketing. When your posts gather little to no interactions, the consequences can be tangible: decreased visibility, reduced conversions, and a potential dent in your brand’s reputation. 

But, when you achieve high engagement, your brand stands out, builds stronger connections, and often enjoys a more substantial return on investment. 

Are you experiencing the silent treatment on your posts? We’re here to help! In this blog, we’ll explore why your engagement might be on the lower end and provide you with seven proven best practices to boost those interactions. 

It’s time to make your brand resonate louder and clearer in the crowded world of social media.

Understanding social media engagement

At its core, social media engagement refers to interactions on your online content. It encompasses everything from likes, shares, and comments to retweets, mentions, and even direct messages. 

Each time a user interacts with your content, that’s a nod of acknowledgment, signaling they’ve noticed and resonated with what you’ve put out there. Influencers often thrive due to their high levels of engagement, which leads to trust and a strong follower base.

Now, why is engagement so vital in the realm of social media marketing? Because it…

  • Gives your brand a visibility boost. Social media platforms, like Facebook and Instagram, have algorithms that prioritize content with higher engagement. When your content gets more interactions, it has a higher likelihood of appearing in more people’s feeds. Think of it as a digital thumbs-up from the platform itself.

  • Establishes trust with your audience. Consistent engagement is a testament to your brand’s credibility. When people engage, they’re essentially vouching for your content, making others more likely to trust and interact with your brand.

  • Acts as a feedback loop. Engagement acts as real-time feedback. Comments, shares, or even reactions can offer insights into what your audience likes or expects, helping you refine your future marketing strategy.

  • Enhances connection-building. Every like, comment, or share bridges your brand and your target audience. It’s a two-way conversation, ensuring you’re not just broadcasting but also building relationships.

In essence, social media engagement isn’t just about numbers—it reflects your brand’s pulse in the digital space. 

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How to measure social media engagement

When it comes to gauging social media engagement, it’s not as elusive as it might seem. In fact, there are concrete metrics and methods you can lean on.

First, it’s essential to understand that social media engagement can be viewed through various lenses: likes, comments, shares, mentions, clicks, and even how long someone viewed your Instagram story or TikTok video. 

Together, all of these metrics form your engagement rate.

What is engagement rate?

Engagement rate is a nifty little metric that offers a snapshot of how actively your audience interacts with your content. You may also choose to look at a submetric, “engagement rate by reach,” which considers your content interactions relative to the number of people who saw it. 

So whether you’re a blossoming brand with a few hundred followers or a giant with a few million, your engagement rate offers a consistent measure of your content’s impact.

How to calculate engagement rate

Let’s break it down with some simple math:

Engagement rate = (Total Followers or Post Views / Total Engagement) × 100

By consistently monitoring and analyzing this rate, you’ll have a clear barometer for how your content is performing. This helps ensure you’re always in tune with your audience’s preferences and adjust your social media strategy accordingly.

Reasons why your social media engagement might be low

Before we jump into our best practices, let’s play detective and pinpoint some culprits that might be causing your social media engagement to take a nosedive. 

Like any relationship, the bond between a brand and its audience needs understanding, consistency, and attention. Fumbling in these areas can lead to an engagement slowdown. Let’s tackle a few of the most common missteps:

Irrelevant content

Sharing content that doesn’t resonate with your audience or deviates from their expectations can decrease engagement. 

Your followers are on your page because they like your brand’s voice, values, or offerings. Drifting away from that core identity or not staying current with the evolving interests of your audience can cause them to scroll past your posts without a second glance.

Inconsistent posting

If you’re not posting consistently to your social media accounts, you’re essentially fading away from your audience’s radar. Inconsistent posting lowers your visibility and affects the trust and anticipation your audience has built around your brand. 

It’s crucial to find a rhythm and stick to it, ensuring you’re always present and relevant in your followers’ feeds.

Ignoring your audience

Engaging on social media isn’t a one-way street. If your followers are commenting, sharing, or asking questions, and all they get is radio silence from your end, it can be discouraging. 

Every comment, message, or mention is an opportunity to foster a deeper connection. By ignoring or not actively engaging with your audience, you miss out on strengthening relationships, gathering feedback, and building brand loyalty. 

Remember, in social media management, silence isn’t golden—it’s a missed opportunity.

Low-quality content

In today’s digital age, people have become connoisseurs of content. They’re bombarded with visuals, articles, videos, and the like from dawn to dusk. So, when they encounter low-quality content, they’re quick to bypass it. 

Low-resolution images, poorly written articles, or unprofessional videos can be instant turn-offs. Quality acts as a marker of your brand’s dedication and professionalism. When followers sense a drop in the quality of your content, it could lead to a decline in trust and, consequently, engagement. 

Always aim to offer value, whether it’s through crisp visuals, insightful articles, or entertaining videos. Quality over quantity is the mantra here.

Inadequate engagement initiatives

It’s a simple formula: if you want engagement, sometimes you need to actively seek it. Just posting content and waiting for the magic to happen won’t always cut it. 

If you’re not integrating polls, quizzes, Q&A sessions, contests, or interactive hashtags, you might miss out on a vast pool of potential engagement. Using these initiatives to build a robust social media engagement strategy encourages your followers to interact, voice their opinions, or simply participate in a brand-led conversation. 

Lack of personalization

In a sea of generic content, personalized messages stand out. If your posts, campaigns, or responses feel tailored for the masses and lack a personal touch, your audience might feel disconnected. 

People are more likely to engage with content that resonates with their interests, needs, or even current events in their region. Using data analytics, understanding demographics, and segmenting your audience can help craft content that feels more “for them.” When followers feel seen and understood, they’re more likely to interact.

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7 best practices for increasing social media engagement

Now that we’ve covered the potential reasons for a lull in engagement, let’s shift gears and focus on actionable steps to turn the tide. 

By sticking to these tried-and-true best practices, you’ll be better equipped to foster meaningful interactions and solidify your brand’s presence.

1. Create unique and compelling content

In a world swarming with content, what makes yours stand out? Delivering unique and compelling narratives, visuals, and ideas is key. When your shared content offers fresh perspectives, intriguing stories, or solutions to common problems, it becomes an engagement magnet. 

Regarding content curation, prioritize originality by infusing trending content with your unique perspective. Equally important is delivering value through informative, helpful, or problem-solving content tailored to your audience’s needs. 

Emotion also plays a significant role, as eliciting humor, inspiration, or empathy can boost engagement. By consistently crafting content that captivates and resonates, you’re not just accumulating likes and shares—you’re nurturing a thriving, connected community.

2. Engage with your audience

Effective communication is a two-way street, and when sharing content on social networks, it’s vital to actively engage with your audience. This practice not only shows that you value their input but also fosters a sense of community. 

Start by promptly responding to questions, compliments, or critiques, and then you can initiate conversations and pose questions to get your followers talking. Trending hashtags, video content with behind-the-scenes insights or informative clips, and funny or relatable GIFs and memes can also enhance your overall interaction efforts.

3. Track and analyze the right metrics

While there are tons of engagement metrics to measure, pinpointing the right ones can be the difference between a thriving social presence and one that’s just coasting along. 

Let’s zero in on a handful of metrics that truly matter when gauging your engagement levels. Keep in mind that these are just a few examples, and depending on your unique objectives, some may be more useful than others.

  • Engagement rate: This represents the number of interactions (likes, shares, comments) relative to your total number of followers. A high engagement rate typically indicates that your content resonates well with your audience.

  • Click-through rate (CTR): Of the people who saw your post, how many clicked on your link? This metric is a direct reflection of the effectiveness of your call-to-action and the relevancy of your linked content.

  • Brand mentions: Counting how often your brand is mentioned across social platforms can give insights into its visibility and the volume of conversations happening around it.

  • Share of voice (SOV): Beyond just your brand, SOV looks at how your brand’s mentions compare to your competitors. Are you leading the conversation in your industry, or is there room to grow?

  • Audience growth rate: This is the rate at which your follower count is increasing. A steady growth rate suggests your brand consistently attracts new attention and interest.

4. Establish a consistent posting schedule

Consistency is the backbone of trust, and a regular schedule ensures your brand remains top-of-mind and signals reliability to your followers. 

When they can anticipate and look forward to your posts, it increases engagement levels. Algorithms love consistency, too! Platforms tend to favor regularly updated profiles, often boosting their visibility in users’ feeds.

5. Recognize the distinctions of each social media platform

Each social media channel is its own unique beast, with different quirks, audience demographics, and content styles. A humorous meme that’s a hit on Twitter might not necessarily resonate with the professional crowd on LinkedIn. 

Recognizing these distinctions helps you tailor content effectively, ensuring it lands well with the intended audience. Diving deep into platform analytics, understanding audience behavior, and tweaking content strategy accordingly can amplify engagement. After all, it’s about speaking the right language in the right room.

6. Encourage interaction on your posts

While serving delectable content is important, inviting your audience to join the discussion table is equally crucial for fostering active participation. 

When it comes to social media engagement posts, incorporating polls, quizzes, or Q&A sessions entices your audience to join in the fun and interact. At the same time, captions that invite responses, opinions, or shared experiences keep the conversation flowing. 

Showcasing user-generated content, such as reviews, testimonials, giveaways, or posts where followers have tagged your brand, highlights their loyalty and encourages more interactions. 

Finally, don’t underestimate the power of engagement questions, which can be something as simple as asking, “Coffee or tea? Tell us in the comments!” This is another tool successful influencers use to ignite delightful mini-debates and foster a sense of community in the comments section.

The sight of a cluttered, lengthy URL can be quite off-putting. It disrupts the visual appeal of a post and can divert attention away from the content itself. This is where shortened links come to the rescue. 

These links are concise, clean, and easy on the eyes, ensuring that your audience remains focused on your social media content—not on your clunky URL. The shorter format of these links also makes them more user-friendly and click-worthy, further enhancing engagement. 

Using a branded link takes personalization a step further. By incorporating your brand’s name into the link, you reinforce brand recognition every time someone encounters or clicks on it. It also conveys professionalism and trustworthiness, as users instantly know where the link will lead them.

With Bitly, you craft these appealing shortened and branded links with ease and monitor their performance. It’s a win-win—links that boost engagement and insights that keep you informed.

Amplify your social media engagement with Bitly

There are many different reasons for disappointing social media engagement rates, but by following these best practices, you can start building an active community around your brand. 

But don’t forget to incorporate some efficient tools to supercharge your efforts. From detailed metrics on how your content is performing to boosted brand awareness with branded links, Bitly is a trusty sidekick in your engagement journey. 

Ready to take your social media engagement to the next level? Get started with Bitly and find the perfect plan tailored to your brand’s needs.