Digital Marketing

A Guide to Using Bitly for Holiday Campaign Planning

The holidays are here which means it’s the merriest of seasons for marketers who are looking to drive sales and create brand awareness around their products with clever campaigns. From…

Bitly News

The Future of Bitly

The Bitly Connections Platform will empower people, brands and businesses of all sizes to engage their customers anywhere at scale.

Social Media

Optimize Your Way to Better-Performing Holiday Campaigns with Bitly

Learn how to use Bitly’s Campaigns tool to organize and measure the success of your multichannel holiday initiatives.

URL Shortening

5 Ways to Treat Your Business With Branded Links

Branding is everywhere. From billboards to slogans, logos, and digital advertising, there is no shortage of marketing tools a business can use when deciding to cultivate their customer experience. Branding…

Customer Experience

Apple Kills Open Rate Metrics – Focus on Link Analytics Instead

Apple has positioned itself at the forefront of consumer privacy over the years. The company can always be relied upon to deploy new tweaks and improvements with data protection in…

Customer Experience

Simplifying Your Bitly Experience: Filtering and Settings

Bitly brings the power and simplicity of links to your fingertips. With a tap or click of a link, you can connect your audience to a universe of content.  When…

Social Media

Understanding the Twitter Algorithm: An Essential Guide

Marketing on Twitter is tough. When competing with literally millions of accounts, the social media marketer has a huge challenge ahead of them. Understanding the Twitter algorithm is the key…

Digital Marketing

Top Ways to Leverage the Bitly Free Plan

Who says that links need to be long and complex? With as much time and attention to detail as digital marketers and creators put into their creative materials, shouldn’t there…

Digital Marketing

Get started with Link Shortening

Link shortening, two words that either make you feel that is a super simple process or will have you scratching your head. It’s probably not a term you’re familiar with…